Joshua, Judges & Ruth with John Barach

The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth contain gripping stories—some exciting, some beautiful, some shocking, some puzzling, and, in the case of Joshua, some that lead to long passages full of geographical details that make our heads swim. But the narratives of Scripture are more than just stories. They are sermons, proclaiming who God is and what he has done and what it entails to be in covenant with him. Jesus teaches us that all of Scripture speaks of him and because it does, it speaks to us also about our life and calling and hope in him.

In this course, John Barach will work through the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth, paying attention to their literary features and examining them in their historical and canonical contexts, so that in these histories of the transitional time between Israel’s approach to the Promised Land and the rise of the kingship and rest in the land, we hear the good news of Jesus with its implications for the church’s life, worship, and hope.

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