Reading list
June 22, 2007

I confess. I have read a good bit of NT Wright, and appreciate much of what he has to say. His books on Jesus opened the gospels for me in ways that nothing else did. Wright, for those who don’t know, is a bishop in the Church of England.

I confess. John Milbank, another Anglican, was my dissertation advisor, and his Theology and Social Theory is a fairly constant presence in my theology.

I confess. Russian Orthodox liturgist Alexander Schmemann’s For the Life of the World is one of my favorite books.

I confess. I have read Lutheran Robert Jenson with profit, albeit mixed with a good bit of puzzlement.

I find Henri de Lubac’s books, particularly Catholicism , Medieval Exegesis , and Corpus Mysticum , awe-inspiring both in breadth of scholarship and in theological depth.

Geoffrey Wainwright, a Methodist, has written some admirable books on liturgy, and I started reading Stanley Hauerwas before he became Anglican.

Of course, I learn a great deal Reformed writers too: From the past Calvin especially, but from the present Cornelius Van Til, John Frame, Vern Poythress, Richard Gaffin, Michael Horton, Kevin Vanhoozer, and so on.

If I came for ordination in a PCA Presbytery with such a reading list, could I be ordained?

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