Chiasm in Luke 3:1-7:35
December 30, 2003

There appears to be a chiastic structure at work in Luke 3:1-7:35. Not everything fits, but there is enough to be suggestive:

A. Ministry of John, 3:1-17
B. Jesus preaching and teaching in Nazareth, 4:16-30

(1. Quotes Is 61
2. Refers to Elijah’s aid to a widow and her son
3. Refers to Elisha’s aid to Naaman)

C. Calling of disciples, 5:1-11
D. Cleansing of leper/healing of paralytic (Pharisees present and in opposition), 5:12-26
E. Meal at Levi’s house, 5:27-39
D’. Healing of withered arm on sabbath (Pharisees present and in opposition), 6:6-11
C’. Calling of 12, 6:12-16
B’. Jesus preaches on the plain, 6:17-7:23

(1. Followed by healing of a centurion - parallels Naaman
2. Followed by raising a widow’s son - parallels the Sidonian widow
3. Followed by inquiry from John, which includes quotation from Is 61)

A’. Jesus discusses John’s ministry, 7:24-35

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